
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Merrill Ballerina Paper Dolls

My three earliest paper doll memories are 'The Heavenly Blue Wedding', the two little ballet dolls I posted on January 25th and this set produced by Merrill.  Two editions of this book were published, one in 1953 and this version dated 1959.

I loved these dolls as a child.  The costumes are some of the most original ever produced.

I'm not sure of the exact differences between the two versions of this book but I have seen scanned images of two pages that are not part of this set and must presumably have belonged to the earlier one.


Spring is finally here! Plum blossom in my garden.


  1. I just found your blog and am enjoying looking through your posts at some of your paper dolls. I collect paper dolls too.

  2. Thanks - I'm so thrilled to see how popular paper dolls are still - they are such a simple concept but are so imaginative and creative. I've just enjoyed looking at your blog - your lemon cake is mouth-watering - I feel inspired to bake something! Sharon.


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