
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Homage to Embleton

Last week I posted a paper doll I made when I was in my twenties.  This week I'm including the last of the completed dresses I have for her.  All except one were copied from my favourite artist Ron Embleton (who has already featured more than once in this blog.) 

Once again I'm showing the original illustration, followed by the dress I made from it.

Ron Embleton - Snow White
Ron Embleton - The Secret of the Trolls

Ron Embleton - The Three Soldiers
Ron Embleton - The Tinder Box

The last dress is another whose origin I've forgotten although I seem to remember that it may have come from an illustration for Rumplestilskin.  This dress would have been copied from another artist.

 Paper dolls copyright Sharon Souter - not to be used for commercial purposes 

Hidden Dublin

I'm not usually a fan of graffiti but I think this pretty ballerina is an exception.  It appeared a few weeks ago on the back door of a restaurant near to my work. 

And finally for this week another photograph taken early in the morning during my stroll to work through St Stephen's Green.  The light and tranquility of the scene were perfect and I love the image I managed to capture.  I will probably end up with hundreds of photos of the park by the time I am finished.


  1. Each dress more wonderful than the next! (I couldn't make a dress that fancy if my life depended on it.)

  2. You're dresses are as lush as the original design. Gorgeous!!


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