
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Toodles A Walking Paper Doll, Artcraft #4416, 1966

Two things surprised me about this paper doll.  Firstly I always thought her name was 'Toddles' and secondly I imagined the book dated to the 1970's so I was amazed to see the year 1966 (in Roman numerals) printed at the bottom of my original cover shown above.

This paper doll represents the outer limits of my childhood.  I think she might even have belonged to my sister Melanie who is almost 5 years younger than me.  I can remember that I was really too old to be playing with paper dolls at the time but I still admired the lovely artwork of this cute little girl with her dimples and adorable little mini-me dressed in matching outfits.   

The use of old fashioned double-pronged paper clips to give cardboard cut-outs jointed limbs or circular motion of the type depicted here was wide-spread during my childhood.  Toodles is an effective example of this technique as her proportions are well-balanced, with a sturdy substantial design made out of good quality cardboard.   

Early Morning in the Green

Some more photos taken in the early morning at St Stephen's Green (Dublin) in my way to work.  I'm becoming conscious that the days are starting to get shorter and cooler and soon this little interlude will come to an end as during the dark winter months the gates open later.  

This year there were no cygnets (as in the title photo I chose for my blog that was taken last year).  Just one solitary adult swan holding court on his own.

I love this summer display of sub-tropical plants that takes pride of place in the middle of the ornamental section of the park each year.  Many of the plants remind me so much of my original home in Durban.  I even spotted purple Tibouchina  - small delicate plants here when I am used to them as big flowering trees.

1 comment:

  1. You so make me wish I had kept all aper dolls I have ever had,which wasnt many but I want them back lol


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