
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Saalfield Mini Mods #1321 / 1969

Of all the 'contemporary' paper dolls I played with as a child this set of Mini Mods was undoubtedly my favourite.  The clean lines and bright colours make it an absolute treat.

The book consists of five dolls and a wonderfully trendy wardrobe of clothes.  I'm not sure if I noticed when I was young that the names given to dolls in these sets always tended to be alphabetical.  Here we have Alice, Betsy, Candy, Diana and Emmy.

The two dolls chosen for the cover of the book were also my favourites.  Betsy always had a slight edge over the others with her curly hair and striking swimsuit.  Alice came second in her snazzy floral number.

The clothes were everything a fashion conscious young girl of the swinging 60's could ask for.  This set gives me a pang of pure nostalgia every time I look at it.

All the outfits follow.  Unfortunately I don't have a back cover that is still intact, but I have included all the punched dolls to complete the set. 


  1. Easy to see why this one was your favourite Sharon. Betsy would've been my favourite doll too (she reminds me of my youngest daughter btw)I would've liked them all though, except Diana because even though she has blonde hair (which I always wanted) it was short, and short hair, in my childish mind was not pretty. Ha!

    I have finally responded to your lovely blog award, sorry it's taken me a while x

  2. That’s it! I can't resist any longer I just have to start collecting paper dolls!
    I loved the 60s and never left home without my white boots, black eyes (like Dusty Springfield) and black and white mini dress (a copy of the original by Mary Quant) – I just love your blog and all the memories it brings back. Thank you.

  3. These are quite stylish little girls! What fun it must have been to play with these! They all look so pulled together! So much fun!


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