
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Four Little Maids in a Row and an Award!

Earlier this week I was searching for something in an old folder and came across this drawing.  It is something I did a long time ago - so many years ago in fact that I can't even attempt to guess when.  I enjoyed looking at the picture again with fresh eyes and I thought my blog friends might like to see it too.  I can't remember if this was just a drawing exercise of if it was in preparation for designing a paper doll.  I know I wanted to make a paper doll of a Victorian / Edwardian era child but never got to start it. The girls are all copies of illustrations I admired.  Exactly a year ago my post on Jesus Blasco included the second figure on the left and the last girl can be found in Brilliant Butterflies

I wasn't going to do an off the cuff post this week - until I saw the comment from Barbara at March House Books saying that she was giving my blog the Liebster Blog Award. What a great way to start the New Year and my second year of blogging!  Barbara's blog is brilliant.  If like me you enjoy vintage children's literature and art you will find its a blog you just can't get enough of.

Liebster is German for dearest, beloved or favourite - what a lovely compliment is that! 

The condition of receiving this award is that you must pass it along to five favourite blogs with less than 200 followers.  This is the second time I am nominating blogs for an award and I wanted to choose a different selection to last time. So here goes with my list:

Karen's Paper Dolls - Karen designs and makes her own paper dolls. They are beautifully drawn. 

Alicia Art Shop - a cute blog that includes lovely quotes to brighten my day.

Paper Dolls and Other Paper Toys - Retha does not post on this blog all that often but when she does the paper dolls she features are lovely.

Mostly Paper Dolls - another beautiful paper doll blog. I can't see how many followers Lucy has. She most likely exceeds the 200 rule but as I can't confirm that I'm sneaking her in.

Pias Hobby - features homemade crafts. I just love the typically Scandinavian flavour of this blog.

I would also have liked to include Believe in Yourself, Donna's interesting and thought provoking blog but Barbara pipped me to the post on this one. 

Please pop in an visit these blogs - I'm sure you will enjoy them as much as I do.



  1. Congratulations Sharon! Love your blog so much! Your little maids drawing is wonderful, what a talent you have! Have a great week and thank you for visiting my blog. Always love your comments!

  2. wow, you are so good at drawing. It is a skill I totally lack. Thank you, thank you for giving me the Liebster Award. I am honored. And I did enjoy looking at your drawing.

  3. Sharon, thank you for nominating my blog to the Liebster Award. I am honoured and grateful.

    Kind regards

  4. Diane and Donna - thanks so much for your lovely comments. I really enjoy visiting both your blogs and always look out for new postings.

    Karen - you are very welcome. The dolls you make are both unique and pretty and so you were one of the first blogs I thought of when making my choices.

  5. Thank´s a lot Sharon for the Award, I'am very greatful. I have always loved paper dolls, but never have the talent to draw some, but you have it =O)I knit and do some crochet insted
    Many thanks

  6. Hello Sharon, I popped over from Barbara's blog. Loved your artwork featured in this post. I was especially attracted to the girl on the farthest right. Congrats on the award!

  7. Thanks for the lovely comment Pia. I wish I could knit like you - that's a real talent! I'm so glad you enjoyed getting the award.

    Claudine - thanks so much for popping in. I've just visited your blog and was pleased I did - great post.

  8. Your drawings are beautiful! I love visiting your blog. Really glad you enjoyed the award.

  9. Sharon, I have answered on my blog but just in case you don't see it I wanted to say thank you for the link. Another beautiful blog to follow.


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