
Thursday, February 23, 2012

True Romance - My Top 10 Disney Love Songs

Another frivolous spur of the moment post before I get back to my next intended offering (A is for Apple - Fairytale Alphabet).

As St Valentine's Day is not long past and this is a Leap Year I thought it would be fun to compile this frothy concoction - my Top 10 Disney Love Songs.

10. Robin Hood - Love Goes On (1973)

Despite boasting the talents of Peter Ustinov as Prince John (he was a very big name at the time), this film somehow never really attained 'classic' status.  This is still a very cute song and I thought a worthy first entry in my personal top 10. 

9. Lady and The Tramp - Belle Notte (1955)

The famous spaghetti sharing scene - Aaah! 

8. Cinderella - So This Is Love (1950)

I love the pastoral background and the sparkly effect but the characters are just ever so slightly wooden.  

7. Snow White - I'm Wishing / One Song (1937)

My very first Disney memory.  I was given a LP record of the soundtrack when I was about four years old.  I loved it but always found the warbling quality of Snow White's voice a bit strange. 

6. Sleeping Beauty - Once Upon a Dream (1959)

I often wonder how many people know that this is a Tchaikovsky waltz from the Sleeping Beauty Ballet.  Disney put words to the music and it is now synonymous with the film.  We still have the traditional 'handsome prince' in Phillip but humour and personality are starting to make their mark.

5. Aladdin - A Whole New World (1992)

A lovely catchy song and a magic carpet ride.

4. The Lion King - Can You Feel the Love Tonight (1994)

Elton John's music score was one of Disney's greatest triumphs.  I feel nostalgic and homesick for Africa every time I watch this. 

3. Beauty and the Beast - Tale As Old As Time (1991)

This film revived Disney's fortunes after a period of decline.  Besides being a truly magical song it has a special significance for me.  I've mentioned in a couple of posts (including the last one) that I work in IT.  Beauty and the Beast represents a breakthrough in computer animation - it was used to create the sweeping ballroom scene with the chandelier.

2. The Little Mermaid - Kiss the Girl (1989)

I'm expecting my top two choices to diverge from any one else's list.  The Little Mermaid was not the greatest Disney movie every made, but I think the humour and wealth of character in the songs is absolutely brilliant.  I found myself humming this song all day after I first came across it again recently.

1. The Jungle Book - My Own Home (1967)

A purely personal choice and my all time favourite (and favourite Disney movie).  I was about the same age as these children when I was first taken to see this film.  I thought this was the most magical, enchanting song that I had ever seen at the time.  I still thrill at the wonder of the internet that allows me to watch it again and again whenever I feel like it!


  1. Lots of good memories of watching these with our kids.
    My best friend and her DH love the spaghetti eating scene from Lady And The Tramp best.
    I will be able to use my frames til April, and then picnik is gone. I've found something on Be Funky that has a postage stamp look, but it doesn't have the multiple frame options or the color selection that picnik does. So things will look very different by mid April. :-(

  2. I love Lady and the Tramp it’s my all-time favourite Disney film and probably one of the first one’s I went to see with my mum and dad. I also like A Whole New World & Can You Feel the Love Tonight. Thank you so much for this trip down memory lane it’s ages since I listened to Belle Notte,I feel like a little girl all over again!

  3. I so love Disney songs. I have quite a collection. My all-time favorite is 'Once Upon a Dream.' I like your choices.


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