
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

How Nice!

Earlier this week Barbara from March House Books featured a beautiful book called 'The Bluebell Story Book' as her Book of the Week post.  I have a similar book by the same publisher - Blackie and Son and I decided I would put together this quick off the cuff entry as a complimentary post.

Unfortunately the cover of my book is a bit worn, but it is still possible to enjoy the lovely artwork.  When I scanned it I was able to enlarge and make out the name of the artist for the first time - it appears to be Hilda McGavin.  (Now I have a name I will have to try to find out something about her.)    
 The book was printed by Blackie and Son in Glasgow.  They also quote offices in London, Bombay (India) and Toronto (Canada).  Unfortunately there is no date that I can see but I imagine it must have been printed in the 1930's, the same era as the book in Barbara's post.  The relative who passed this book down to me would have been a child during that decade.

There are a number of stories of different lengths, four colour plates and a host of lovely black and white illustrations.  The colour illustrations I've included here are the two I like the most.  Not all the illustrations are by the same person, but the one I've included below clearly shows the name of the cover artist.


  1. What an absolutely gorgeous book! Thanks so much for sharing it. The front cover is really pretty. I also love the illustration called “Sit Still” is it by Eileen Soper? I have another book published by Blackie with illustrations by Hilda McGavin called Sunshine Stories – if we keep this up we just might discover them all!
    I shall look forward to hearing more about Hilda McGavin from you. The only thing I know about her is she provided the illustrations for Enid Blyton’s Wishing-chair series.
    Thanks for including a link to my post – I will link back to you as soon as I’ve left this.

  2. The cover art is so vivid! Love those little children with the butterfly fairy! So cute!

  3. Absolutely the most beautiful illustrations.

  4. What lovely illustrations.
    Some of them reminded me of the Enid Blyton books.....

  5. What a wonderful vintage book Sharon!

  6. Oh, this book is just way too sweet. I so love the pictures. I wish I would have saved one of my childhood books.


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