
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Guinevere Paper Doll - Early Days

Guinevere - Season 1

Last week I started making a new paper doll of Guinevere based on the BBC's production of Merlin.  Although I cheated a bit in the first post I decided that I should make her costumes in order, charting her progress from a servant in the castle to Queen of Camelot.

Guinevere - Queen of Camelot

When we first met Gwen in Season 1 her clothing emphasised her lowly status and humble origins as a blacksmith's daughter.  Although brightly coloured, Gwen's early gowns were made out of fairly coarse hard-wearing material. The design of her outfits was functional - a pale linen under tunic covered by a tabard style outer garment.  Belts and ties were not purely decorative and were made of cord or twine.

Guinevere - Yellow Dress

Guinevere - Yellow Dress

Guinevere - Yellow Dress Sketch

When I first decided to make a paper doll of Guinevere I didn't think I would enjoy doing these early gowns all that much.  It was only when I began to study them more closely that I realised they have some lovely detail, especially around the necklines.

The crimson coloured cloak is also quite opulent for a serving girl and adds some nice detail to the red outfit.

In season 1 Gwen was overshadowed by Morgana with her glamorous wardrobe of beautiful shimmering gowns.  These early dresses have an appeal all of their own though - I think they gave Gwen a fresh and innocent look that was lovely in its own way. 

Guinevere - Red Dress

Guinevere - Red Dress

Guinevere - Red Dress Sketch

The original Guinevere paper doll post can be found here (posted 2 July 2012)

Guinevere - Season 2 and 3 Dresses can be found here  (posted 13 July 2012)

Guinevere - Season 4 Dresses can be found here (posted 19 Aug 2012)

Gwen Season 5 Velvet Burgundy dress can be found here (posted 6 Aug 2012)

The companion paper doll of Morgana can be found here. (Posted 1 Jan 2012)

 Sharon Souter - not to be used for commercial purposes


  1. These truly are wonderful. You should open an etsy shop and sell them. Or contact the Original Paper doll Artisit guild to see what you need to do to get them published. There is a big paper doll convention here in the US sometime this month... I know some times artists donate dolls just to get some name recognition. in the paper doll community. It's something to think about.

  2. So sweet! You know, I really like this show and I think you're doing her justice with these outfits.

  3. It is always so much fun to visit you!

    Lovely paper dolls....



  4. Some good advice from GardenofDaises! I was sitting looking at your paper dolls and thinking you should publish/sell them. I’m happy you share them with us, but they deserve a much larger audience.


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