
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sunday Story - The Princess with Blue Eyes

Yesterday I posted a story called   The Fairy's Kiss.  I included the full story as it was printed because it was all on one page and I could fit it easily into my small A4 size scanner.    I also thought the visual impact of the whole story was as attractive as its component parts and therefore worth including.

Today's (unplanned) post is a direct response to a comment I received about the Fairy's Kiss.  In many of my posts I've included pictures around a concept or theme, but unlike yesterday have not included the whole story.        

I guess it can be a bit frustrating to see illustrations like this out of context.  So today I'm posting another complete story and on this occasion I've chosen 'The Princess with Blue Eyes' - these two pictures were included in a post last year called Perfect Princesses.  I noticed at the time that these two illustrations cropped up in a number of searches and were therefore quite popular.  The post itself has 469 page views, enough I think that anyone who enjoyed it might like to see the full story.

I'm sorry I don't know the name of the person who left the comment earlier but this post is especially for you - hope you like it!

Strangely enough my very first post was a complete story like this when I posted The Golden Ball by my favourite artist Ron Embleton.  Another complete story of his was also included in Here be Dragons although it was not in comic strip form.  I'll be posting more complete stories from time to time - perhaps I'll make it a monthly feature.  If there are any in particular that you would like to see from previous posts please let me know and I'll try to include them.  


This story appeared in 'Once Upon a Time' children's magazine.
Issue #149 published 18th December 1971.



  1. Beautiful! And a fun story, too :)

  2. Hello, I was the Anonymous poster from before, and I am so grateful to you for doing this. Thank you so much. I have been following your blog for about a year, and it is so nice to see these vinatge illustrations.

  3. These are beautiful Sharon. I’ve never really appreciated the artwork in Once upon a time before. I used to see bundles of magazines for sale at auction, but not for a long time, maybe more people are collecting them now.

  4. Hello Johnny - I'm so glad you left another comment and that you enjoyed the post. It's great for me to get feedback like this as it gives me an idea of what to do for future posts. I'll make sure I include a complete story like this at least once a month.

    Hi Barbara - I adored 'Once Upon a Time' when I was a child and am still just as entranced by the illustrations today. I've been collecting all the issues I'd lost over the years and now only have 2 to get to complete my original set! They come up from time to time on eBay so they are still out there.

  5. Another fun story. I even love the title. Thanks for sharing this.

  6. Oh, Thank you Sharon!

  7. Hi Sharon,

    Wonderful vintage illustrations! Thank you for sharing them with us.


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