
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Guinevere Paper Doll - Almost a Queen

I know - the next dress I was supposed to make was for poor neglected Morgana.  Instead I just couldn't resist going back to Guinevere and continuing with her sartorial progress from lowly handmaiden to queen.

I found the way Guinevere's clothing evolved during the first 4 seasons of Merlin fascinating.  I've enjoyed making this paper doll more than any other.  In terms of blog page views she has been a great success also - another reason why I have been encouraged to finish the set.

Guinevere - Queen of Camelot

Season 4 saw another shift in Gwen's costume design.  The pretty pastel dresses with their elaborate corsets are gone.  In their place are gowns that are more sleek and sophisticated.  Small details such as the dainty silver chain belt hint at a rise in status.  But although these are no longer the gowns of a lowly servant they are also not yet the shimmering silks and satins of the nobility.  The material is practical and designed to last.  Gwen is not yet queen - instead she brings to mind a wealthy merchant's wife.

Guinevere - Season 4 Lilac Dress

Guinevere - Season 4 Lilac Dress

Guinevere - Season 4 Lilac Dress Sketch

Many of Gwen's dresses in Season 4 are blue - some are so similar it is difficult at a glance to tell them apart.  The colour choice is quite clever - it retains a link back to some of the gowns she wore in Seasons 2 and 3 even though the styling is totally different.

This outfit reminds me of the denim pinafore style dresses I wore when I was a teenager in the 70's.  The leather detail - in this case the belt are (for me) also very reminiscent of that time.

Guinevere - Season 4 Blue Dress

Guinevere - Season 4 Blue Dress

Guinevere - Season 4 Blue Dress Sketch

I have one more dress to make for this particular doll - the Coronation Gown.  It has been a fabulous 'journey'.

Season 1 dresses for Gwen can be found here (posted 10 July 2012

Gwen's lilac dragon dress can be found here (posted 2 July 2012)


Season 3 dresses for Gwen can be found here (posted 13 July 2012)

Gwen's Season 5 Velvet Burgundy dress can be found here (posted 6 Aug 2012)

 The companion Morgana paper doll can be found here (posted 1 Jan 2012)

 Copyright Sharon Souter - not to be used for commercial purposes


  1. I can't wait to see the Coronation gown. I so enjoy these posts.

    There is some news for you on my blog, please pop over when you have time. Barbara.

  2. How I enjoy this show, and she is so pretty. I so favor the lilac dress, as lilac is one of my favorite colors. Well done, Sharon, your drawings are impeccable.

  3. Each dress is so lovely! I just know you are going to famous in the paperdoll world one day!


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