
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sunday Story - Bola the Magician

October's Sunday Story is 'Bola the Magician' magnificently illustrated by the talented artist Mike Hubbard.  More wonderful examples of his work can be found here and here.

This story appeared in 'Once Upon a Time' children's magazine.
Issue #128 published 24 July 1971.

The last time I featured a Sunday Story post I included a photo taken from my bedroom window the previous week (September).  This is what the garden looked like then (I'm repeating the photo here):

Two weeks ago I took another picture of the same view of the garden when the leaves were starting to turn gold (they are all gone now!):

Then I remembered that I had taken some photos from my bedroom window when we had some unseasonable snow in April. This is one I snapped then:

Now all I have to do is wait until Spring and I'll have all four seasons!

This time of year can be really pretty.  Here are a couple more photos I took yesterday when we had some lovely Autumn sunshine.  (Today its raining so I'm snuggled up in front of a fire!):

The birds (if you can make them out) are crows - they roost in the stone cottage at the entrance to the property.  During the day they fly around and sit in the tops of the trees.  They can be a bit rowdy but they have personality so I enjoy watching them.

My blog's new Title Picture is one I took of the swans I've included in a couple of posts, most notably Swans in the Green.  I adore swans (and it seems I'm not alone from some of the comments I've received) - they really are poetry in motion.  The young cygnets make such cute 'cheeping' sounds as well - it is really as if they are talking to each other.

I'm in two minds as to whether I should keep my new cursor 'wand'.  I like the fairy dust sprinkles so they will stay but as much as I enjoyed the idea of the wand at first now I'm not sure if it isn't just a bit irritating.  Let me know what you think.  If you find it annoying I'll take it away.



  1. Thanks for sharing Bola the Magician. Beautiful illustrations! I so enjoyed the pictures from your window. It is amazing how different the same spot looks in each season. All beautiful in different ways. I especially liked the picture of the house with nature intertwining with it. :) I am okay with the wand- it took a little getting used to- but it doesn't irritate me. :)

    Have a warm, cozy day by the fire.

  2. I always love these stories you post! By any chance, do you have The Enchanted Lion?

  3. I do indeed have The Enchanted Lion, illustrated by Jesus Blasco. (Two of my posts from last year - Wonderful Weddings and Handsome Heroes contain individual illustrations from this story.) I will include it as my next Sunday Story. It is 4 times as long as the usual stories I post so it will be a bumper edition!

  4. I never find fairy dust irritating. Such lovely photos of your home. So picturesqe.
    I like the new swan picture too.
    It was a darling story with such wonderful illustrations.

  5. LOve the views from your window and the swans are adorable. I am OK with the wand.

  6. I love the Bola the magician illustrations, really colourful and pretty.
    I like the fairy dust and don’t mind the wand at all. The rose was pretty too.
    Your garden is beautiful – I can’t wait to see pictures of the fourth season!

  7. Your blog is always a delight! I loved the Bola the Magician story and enjoy seeing the views from around your garden and where you live. I've always wanted to visit Ireland...maybe someday...

    As for the wand...I don't have a problem with it. I love fairy dust. :)


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