
Thursday, November 29, 2012

December Sunbeam (2012)

Another month is almost over and its time to bid a fond farewell to Jan at ArtSings1946 and Victoria at Finding Harmony: Body, Mind, Heart and Spirit.   Hope you both enjoyed your time in my sunbeam's little glow.

This month Sharon's Little Sunbeam will shine on the lovely ladies at The Secret DMS Files of Fairday Morrow (Hi Jess and Stephanie!).  Their fabulous blog will be well known to many of my own blog friends, but if you are not already a regular pay them a visit and you will not be disappointed.

My second choice for December is a recent discovery - Harriet at Victoria Stitch.  Harriet is an illustrator so her blog is one I thoroughly enjoy.  I especially liked Victoria Stitch Makes Paper Snowflakes which gives details of how she made the marvellous 3D scene for her new header.

This festive month my little sunbeam is yours to bask in and enjoy - hope you like it!

(Starting in the New Year I want to repeat the original recipients of my sunbeam who only spent a week on my sidebar. If you were part of this list watch out for your name as I'll be following the original order!)  

Sharon's Little Sunbeam is my own personal 'no strings attached' award.  It is my way of thanking the people who enrich my blogging experience.  After the recipient has been introduced a link to their blog remains on my sidebar for a month.  There are no conditions attached to the award.  The recipient does not need to answer any questions, pass the award on or even acknowledge that they have received it.  All they need to do is bask in my little sunbeam and enjoy it!



  1. Thanks Sharon, I will check them out!

  2. Good choices Sharon, I love visiting the DMS and Victoria Stitch. Congratulations Jess, Stephanie and Victoria!

  3. Hi Sharon,
    Thank you so much! Stephanie and I love basking in sunlight- so this is just perfect : ) We truly appreciate you thinking of us- and we love to hear your thoughtful comments on Fairday's Blog! Looking forward to seeing you around the book block ; ) ~ Jess

  4. Awww! Thanks so much! I had a long day today and the sunbeam has brightened my night. :) Thanks for shining the light our way! I always enjoy reading your posts and hearing your comments. I can't wait to check out the other blog!

    Thanks and have a fabulous weekend!

  5. I love Fairday's Blog. I checked out Jessica Stitch - so creative. perfect choices.

  6. Thanks so much dear friend for having highlighted my blog ... I think that's such a wonderful idea and I just have to get myself in gear and do something nice like this myself .... I did and do plan to highlight some etsy sellers who I admire ... have to start that up again. Well, tomorrow I just must check out the new ones.

    Love Always to all,

  7. Hi Sharon, thanks so much for giving me the sunbeam award! Am honoured that you like my blog enough to tell other people about it :) thanks!

  8. Yay seeing who is the newest sunbeamer! I love Victoria Stitch's work too..she is fab!
    Wonderful post!Thankyou and Blessings!!


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