
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Morgana Paper Doll - White Dress

Morgana Pendragon - White Dress

An spur of the moment post today - my own paper doll of Morgana has been such a runaway success that I decided to make another outfit.  This time I've chosen her white dress.  This one is all about detail rather than colour, unlike the three I posted before.  The gowns all make me think of gemstones - last time they included an emerald and a sapphire. This week its a diamond.

Morgana Pendragon

Morgana - White Dress

Once again I've included the sketch of the dress before it was coloured in - although this time the difference is not quite so noticeable.

Morgana - White Dress Sketch

 Sharon Souter - not to be used for commercial purposes 

The original Morgana paper doll can be found here

Morgana's violet dress can be found here

Morgana's black lace dress can be found here


  1. I love it! You are so creative. Your artwork amazes me.
    Can you please contact me at:

  2. Beautiful! My drawings never turn out like yours.

  3. Very cool! I'm a paper doll enthusiast. I used to be in a bunch of groups, but had to give it up on time constraints. Maybe you should look into some - PD Artists was a fun one! :D

  4. Thanks for the compliments Donna and Barbara. I've really enjoyed making this paper doll - its been years since I last thought of doing something like this!

    Hi Joleene - thanks for the suggestion. Like you I wish I had a whole lot more free time (something I'm really short on!) I'll check out the site, it sounds like fun. Glad you stopped by - always good to meet another paper doll enthusiast.


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