
Friday, March 23, 2012

Daffodil Day (Irish Cancer Society)

Today is Daffodil Day - organised annually by the Irish Cancer Society.  All over town volunteers were selling daffodil related items - bunches of fresh flowers, silk daffodils to pin onto jackets, diaries and key rings.  For the last four years I have chosen to buy these little pins (they are very small in reality) - perhaps they don't have the same impact as the silk flowers but I though they would make a cute collection.  This year the make-shift stalls were also decorated with yellow balloons so everything looked very festive.

It was lovely walking back to the station and seeing so many people (men and women) walking around carrying bunches of flowers and with little silk daffodils pinned to their clothes.

Last year we lost a work colleague unexpectedly to cancer.  It was a terrible shock as it happened very quickly and without much warning.  She was only 45 years old and left behind a husband and two young children. In this day and age we don't expect death to swoop so suddenly and claim someone like that through illness.

Perhaps because of this I have been more aware of Daffodil Day this year and the good cause the society supports.

My ex-neighbour gave me this bunch of daffodils as a house warming present when we moved.  I thought they looked like a bowl of sunshine and brightened up the kitchen.

Last year for Daffodil day I posted this paper doll with her pretty daffodil dress,  You can find the whole paper doll book at the post called Mother Goose Paper Dolls.

I don't know if Daffodil Day is specific to Ireland or if it is organised globally.  If you also had Daffodil Day where you live today please let me know.


  1. I love daffodils and yours look so lovely in your cozy home. We do something similar here in Canada to support cancer research. I too lost a dear friend to cancer last year as well as a good friend 5 years ago. So I always support the Cancer Society and wear the plastic daffodil given when you make a donation. (Love the daffodil paper doll dress!)

  2. I’ve noticed people with silk daffodils, but I’ve never found them for sale. I thought they would be in the supermarkets, and I’m sure they must be – but just not when I go in. I always buy a poppy and would buy a daff if I could find one. I think the pins are a great idea; they look so pretty. Your kitchen looks really cosy, and the daffs certainly add a touch of sunshine. What a lovely ex- neighbour!

  3. I didn't know that the Irish Cancer society had Daffodil Day. The daffodil is the national flower of Wales (the national flower of Ireland is the Shamrock) so this was a bit of a surprise to me. We have lots of daffodil-related things for sale in Wales as we approach St. David's day (the national saint of Wales) on March 1st. Perhaps the daffodil was chosen because both the Irish and Welsh are Celts...or perhaps because cancer is such a dark illness and no flower is happier or breezier than the daffodil.
    Rhia at

  4. What a sweet way to remember, with daffodils. They're such lovely flowers - bright and cheerful.

  5. Thanks to everyone who commented.

    Rhia - I think your last suggestion is probably the reason why the daffodil was chosen - they really are such a bright and optimistic flower!

    Darlene's comment made me realise also that daffodil must be a symbol used in the fight against cancer internationally - Darlene lives in Canada and mentions wearing a daffodil as well.


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