
Sunday, March 18, 2012

In Which we Move to the Wicklow Mountains

So - here we are living in the Wicklow Mountains - where the air is crisp and clear and the night sky is pitch black and spangled with stars.

I've mentioned before that this blog is not really meant to be about me and my family, but the fact that we are living here is actually quite remarkable.  Until the end of last year we had a very different plan in mind - but somehow every time we tried to put any of it into action we were thwarted at every turn.

When we went on the walks I chronicled at GlendaloughCrone Woods and Devil's Glen, I never thought for a moment that I would find myself living here.  What I was aware of was a deep sense of joy and contentment during those walks.  My spirit seemed to reach out to the landscape in a physical way and I could feel it resonating through every nerve ending.

It almost seems as though it wasn't so much us deciding to live here as the house and surrounding countryside choosing us instead.  I feel as though an elaborate plan has somehow been put into action beyond my comprehension and that I have been gently but firmly manoeuvred into place.  

And so here we are at the edge of a forest, deep in the mountains, where my soul sings and I can feel the enchantment crackling in the air.   

The forest comes right up to the fence that borders the garden.  It is a real fairytale wood, but it is also a working one - so one day it will be cut down and then left to re-generate itself again.

I have two greenhouses to play in - and there are fruit trees - apples, gooseberries and I think a plum.

The forest is even etched into the front door!

When I get it sorted out this is going to be my study.  I think I will spend more time gazing out of the window than actually doing anything!

I've brought all my containers with plants along.  The garden is just starting to come into bud and I can't wait for all the dead looking growth to come back to life.  I just love drystone walls - I'm assuming these were made by collecting material from the surrounding hillside.

This is our road.  (The sheep don't belong to us.)  In a country setting like this the road doesn't even have a name.  Just hills, trees and lakes as far as the eye can see!


  1. Sharon, I am so happy for you. The joy in your post is infectious! What a wonderful property, so many exciting areas to explore. This is just a lovely and magical place!
    ~~Welcome Home~~ Diane

  2. WOW!!!!! Beautiful!!!!!!! You are a lucky girl!!!!

  3. Sharon, Your home and surrounding property is absolutely enchanting. You must feel totally blessed. Looking at your photos makes me want to go for a walk and explore the property. I can see wildflowers popping up all spring and summer. It's beautiful! Your friend and follower from the states, Connie

  4. Can I come and live with you Sharon?

    What a beautiful place, those drystone walls and that glorious front door. Oh. One expects to see Prince charming on horseback, don't you reckon?

    The perfect home for someone who loves fairy tales as much as you x

  5. Hello Sharon, your new home looks absolutely beautiful. I can feel the happiness in your words! So glad it’s all going well for you. Looking forward to seeing lots more photos of your garden and the surrounding area. Barbara

  6. This looks like a piece of heaven on earth to me. How lucky the place chose you! Thanks for sharing the photos. Love your study, I could write there (when I wasn't staring out the window)

  7. What an amazingly beautiful place to live. Who would have thought such a charming place still existed? Very, very nice.


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