
Saturday, March 17, 2012

St Patrick's Cathedral - Dublin

Some photographs of St Patrick's Cathedral (in honour of the saint's special day) which is also situated very close to where I work.  I have posted these pictures before but felt I couldn't let the country's national day pass without making an effort to put together some sort of post even though I'm still quite disorganised after moving home

In recent years some restoration work has been done to the exterior of the cathedral and the stonework has been cleaned.  It looks lovely and gleams like new in the sunshine.

The interior of the church is well worth a visit as well but there is a charge to go inside.  (Presumably attending a service does not have an entry fee!)

In St Patrick's Close next to the cathedral is Marsh's Library - the oldest public library in Ireland built in 1701.  It is one of few buildings that is still used for its original purpose.

Unfortunately my scanner is only A4 size so I had to scan separate copies of these pages from yesterday morning's Metro Herald (the great free newspaper I read on the train to work.)  They had a fabulous Where's Paddy? double page spread that I thought was a lot of fun so I'm including it (albeit in fragmented form) here.  

Happy St Patrick's Day!


  1. Happy St. Patrick ’s Day Sharon, thanks for sharing so many beautiful photographs. I hope the move is going well, and the piles of boxes are going down!

  2. Your St Pat's is very similar to our St Mary's Sharon. Although St Mary's is smaller and has had a very modern architectural wonder tacked on the back. Normally I like modern but I actually preferred it the way it was.
    I hope you're settling in to your new home x

  3. happy St. Patrick's day my Irish friend! Thanks for the lovely photos. I just returned from visiting family in my home town of Medicine Hat, Alberta where we have a St. Patrick's church. It is the most beautiful building in the city.

  4. such lovely pictures. I stood in awe of the plaque that mentioned baptisms in the 5th century! so long ago. How touching.

  5. Thanks so much for the comments - its so nice to hear from all of you again. (I have been so busy it feels as though my time away from blogging has been a lot longer!)

    Barbara - the boxes seem to go on forever! But at least it is fun moving into a new home.

    Kylie and Darlene - your comments both made me think of how people who originally moved from the 'old' world to the 'new' made their surroundings familiar by constructing buildings that reminded them of home. I must google the churches you mention sometime.

    Donna - one of the reasons I love living in Ireland so much is the antiquity of everything. I also still get a thrill when I see a reference to something like this plaque and think about the history behind it.


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