
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Merrill Candy and Her Cousins #678 / 1961

This is a little bit of a lazy post but paper dolls are always popular and I thought Candy and Her Cousins a very pretty set for Spring.

Next week we are moving to live in the beautiful Wicklow Mountains.  My new home is between Glendalough and the lovely Crone Forest.  (The Powescourt Waterfall which is part of the forest walk is my current blog title picture.)  I adore that part of the world and can hardly believe so many wonderful walking trails will now be right at my doorstep.

I'm not sure how soon I will be connected to the internet as I have to change service provider and arrange for satellite access.  This may be my last post for a while depending on how quickly I can get up and running again.

I also wanted to say that if I don't visit any other blogs for a little while it isn't that I've lost interest.  As soon as life has got back to normal again I'm hoping to be back enjoying all my old (and new) favourites.


  1. This is so pretty I love ‘sticky out’ dresses. My older sister used to go to dances in skirts with masses of petticoats. I would watch her going off on the back of her boyfriend's motorbike with all her petticoats flying in the wind. By the time I was old enough to wear them, they were out of fashion! Good luck with your move, I hope it all goes well for you.

  2. Look how adorable! Someone was creative in these clothes. The outfits are charming. You are right. For some of us, paper dolls never gets old.
    How wonderful that you will be moving to such a lovely place. I will look forward to your next post, whenever that is. Be safe in your move.

  3. These little "girls" are so sweet Sharon, and their outfits are gorgeous. I remember receiving a birthday card which folded out to reveal three or four (or maybe more) very similar little girls-I loved it. You probably know the one I'm talking about...
    Good luck with the move, sounds like another magical place to live. Keep your eyes open for prince and princesses on your walks through the forest x

  4. I know exactly the card you are thinking of Kylie - I was given the same one when I was little and I thought it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I still have it and was thinking of including it in a post - maybe around the time of my birthday which is next month.

    I was just the same as you Barbara - I longed to wear those full skirts with all the petticoats that I saw my mom wear in her old photographs but grew up in the wrong era!

    Thanks for the wishes for our move Donna - its a lot to organise but I can't wait to be surrounded by such a magical setting.

  5. These pics are just the cutest!! I love them all :)

    Megan @ Storybook Love Affair

  6. And they all wore dresses of different colours...can't wait to see it again Sharon, when is your birthday and can you email me your address please?

  7. Wonderful post.

    Regards and best wishes

  8. Candy and her cousins are cute dolls! (Does it say who the artist is on these?)
    I hope you will take lots of pictures of your new home and surroundings after you get moved. My ancestors came from Wicklow. One of these days I will visit Ireland and see it for myself, but until then, I will just have to enjoy it through pictures.

  9. The artwork in this book is credited to B. Voss (Elizabeth Gartrell Voss). I think she painted a series of books Merrill published in the decade between 1951 and 1961 that are very similar. The first of this type (with their signature wrap around dresses)that I was given was Polly and Her Playmates - I still want to do a post on this book. Cindy Lou 'n Cindy Sue are almost identical to Candy & her Cousins and I also played with Becky and Betsy.

    It's lovely to be able to visit the place your ancestors came from Gayle - we were lucky enough to be able to do that in Scotland (both my husband and I are of Scottish descent). I hope you are able to get to Wicklow one day - I would be able to recommend all sorts of beautiful places that you could visit.

    Thanks for popping in to visit and leaving the nice comments Megan and Tatjana.

    Kylie - I'll email you again soon.


  10. Sharon love Candy and her frilly dresses. So cute! I hope all goes well with your move but from the photo I can see why you are so excited it is just stunning! Thank you for stopping by my blog too. If you have time you can check out my response to your question. Look forward to seeing your new posts once you get settled in. ~~ Diane

  11. That was amazing timing Diane - I was looking at your reply to my question at the same time you left this comment for me. I just loved your poem - the whole imagery and idea it conjures up is really beautiful!


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