
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Here Comes the Sun

Some time ago I was fortunate enough to be given a Sunshine Award by two of my favourite bloggers - first by Darlene at Darlene Foster's Blog and then by Donna at Believe in Yourself .  I have been very slow in responding (apologies for that) but at last I want to say a big THANK YOU to both of you very special ladies.  I hope anyone who is not familiar with Darlene and Donna's blogs will drop by soon and pay them a visit.

My answers to the questions:

1. Favourite colour? Changes all the time - at the moment duck egg blue
2. Animal? Cat - my first pet was a very intelligent Siamese
3. Number? 4 and 6
4. Non-alcoholic drink? Good old fashioned builder's tea (this past weekend with toasted hot cross buns) 
5. Facebook or Twitter? Neither - for some reason I have a total aversion to both
6. My passion: Art, literature, my family, the beauty of nature (not necessarily in that order)
7. Getting or giving presents: Both - I love wrapping and decorating a present 
8. Pattern: Regency Stripe
9. Day of the week: Saturday - I know I still have Sunday to look forward to as well
10. Flower: All of them - but roses, bearded iris, frangipani and agapanthus are probably my special favourites

After last weeks' snow (which melted away after a couple of days) the first flowers are slowly making their appearance in my garden.  They seem to awaken a lot later up here in the mountains than they did in town or where I used to live before.  But now that they are finally here they are a very welcome sight!

I love these little wild-flowers that tumble down like a waterfall.

I was a little premature in taking these next pictures as the bush is now covered in pink flowers but at least I snapped the early arrivals.  They are so familiar but I have forgotten what they are called.  Please let me know if you recognise them.

I'm also fascinated by these beautiful little yellow blossoms.  Again I don't know what they are but I have seen them somewhere before.  They remind me of a wild flower garden or an Alpine scene.  

The apple blossom is very slow in arriving.  These blossoms all seem to be white - I am more used to seeing pretty pink hues as well.

But the cherry blossom is extremely pretty. . .

I also like this bush.  At first glance these appear to be flowers (perhaps they are classed as such) but if you look more closely they are actually red-tipped leaves.


  1. They are Camelia's Sharon.

    p.s. parcel on its way x

  2. Thanks for mentioning my blog Sharon and the wild flowers are so lovely!

  3. Loved learning these facts about you. The flower pics are so wonderful. They are absolutely beautiful.

  4. Hello Sharon, congratulations! Visiting your blog is like visiting a friend on a sunny day.
    Builder's tea and hot cross buns – yummy! Regency strip makes me think of drawing rooms in grand houses; frangipani brings exotic holidays to mind. I loved reading your answers.
    Now for guess the plant – I agree with Kylie, the pink one is a Camelia, the purple ones growing on the ground are Aubretia (I think!), and the last one with the red leaves looks a bit like a Pieris although it should have little white flowers, so it might not be!
    Lovely post.

  5. Thanks so much everyone and I'm so glad you could help me out with the plants Kylie and Barbara. I knew the Camelia's were one of those lovely old fashioned flowers that I should remember but the name just eluded me! As the garden comes to life in summer I think I'm going to have to include a regular 'guess the plant' post!!

  6. Your garden is looking lovely! What a beautiful variety of plants!


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