
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sharon's Little Sunbeam Award - Week 3

When I first started my blog I initially felt as though I was functioning in a vacuum. I would put together my little posts, set them free, then watch as they floated out gently and silently into cyberspace.  It was rather like self-consciously talking to myself!

Then Gayle popped up as my first follower.  (For quite some time she was my only follower.)  I started following her blog as well.  I would add my small comments to the many others she received on her lovely posts.  And despite the fact that she has hundreds of followers and many other blogs she could choose to look at, Gayle came to visit my blog each week, leaving a friendly message and comment in return.

As a big thank you to Gayle for her early kindness and encouragement, Sharon's Little Sunbeam Week 3 will shine on:

Garden of Daisies

Besides my personal reason's for recommending Gayle's beautiful and creative blog it is well worth visiting in its own right and I hope anyone who sees this post will pop in and say hello.

Past recipients of Sharon's Little Sunbeam Award:

Sharon's Little Sunbeam is my own personal 'no strings attached' award.  It is my way of thanking some of the wonderful people who enrich my blogging experience.  The recipient is introduced in a post like this one and a link to their blog remains on my sidebar for a week.  There are no conditions attached to the award.  The recipient does not need to answer any questions, pass the award on or even acknowledge that they have received it.  All they need to do is bask in my little sunbeam and enjoy it!

A big thank you also for all the lovely comments and wishes left on my Birthday Thoughts post.  I'm glad the other 'April girls' enjoyed the poem and could copy it for themselves.

All pictures shown here are the work of Ron Embleton (1930-1988) and were previously included in a post called Here be Dragons


  1. Don't feel bad, it was the same for me too. I had 3 followers FOREVER! and they were my cousins and do not have blogs. Then I started linking up to parties a couple of months ago and now I'm over a hundred!! Just keep on having fun! That's my motto!

  2. Oh no, Sharon, Garden of Daisies is so adorable that I had to follow it! I certainly think she deserves this award.

  3. Thank you, Sharon! You are very sweet to think of me. You have no idea how excited I was to discover your blog and find that we shared an appreciation of paperdolls! :-)
    I like your "sunbeam award" and I am trying to think of a way that I can do something similar, without being a total copycat.
    Thank you again. You made my day.

  4. So lovely....I love visiting with you

  5. Aw what a lovely reason to give the award. It's always nice when 'larger' blogs recognise the smaller ones. Such a nice concept for an award Sharon :)

    Megan @ Storybook Love Affair

  6. What a lovely blog, thank you for the introduction! I know I've said it before - but this is such a great idea, well done for thinking of it Sharon.

  7. Hi Sharon,

    Congrats of Gayle and for having such a loyal blog follower and friend.


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