
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Sharon's Little Sunbeam Award - Week 2

Last week I introduced Sharon's Little Sunbeam Award
I was thrilled at the response and comments I received and that Diane from Always Crave Cute enjoyed being the first recipient.

Some of the comments mentioned copying the idea.  If anyone else wants to introduce something similar I'd take it as a compliment.  And after all (as I said in response) I 'borrowed' the original concept myself - and that is what I think blogging is all about - sharing great ideas!

A few of the replies I received to the question of whether I should notify the recipient thought it was a good idea so I will adopt that practice (although I don't want to labour the process).

I also thought it would be nice to include a short post every week introducing each blog and explaining why I chose it.  My initial dilemma is how to pick the first few recipients as there are a number of people I hold in equal esteem and I'm finding it impossible to place them in any order! 

However, a choice had to be made, and so Sharon's Little Sunbeam - Week 2 will shine on: 

When I first discovered Barbara's wonderful blog I felt like a child who had been let loose in sweet shop.  Barbara sells vintage children's books so for someone with my interests her blog is made in heaven.  The design and layout is beautiful and if you stop by you can't but be drawn in.

I think blogging is as much about the person behind the blog as the content or design.  I enjoy the responses Barbara makes to the comments left on her posts (I'm afraid I'm woefully erratic in that regard) and the wonderfully warm remarks and observances that she leaves without fail on mine. 

So for the next week my little sunbeam will shine on March House Books - I hope anyone who sees it will stop by to visit!

All the pictures in this post are details taken from an earlier post Fabulous Fairies (22 July 2011)


  1. Sharon, thank you so much for awarding my blog a “Little Sunbeam” it’s a very special award, and I’m thrilled to receive it. You really did light up my day, thank you!
    I hope you had a very happy birthday and are feeling much better now. Barbara

  2. I love it! And who doesn't love March House Books?! Barbara really deserves this. Such a wonderful idea, Sharon.

  3. This is truly a sweet thing to do for your blog friend. I love children's books too, so will have to pop over to "meet" her soon.

  4. Excellent choice for the Sunbeam Award. I love Barbara's blog site too. Her warm personality does come through as does her love of vintage children's books.


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