
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Morgana Paper Doll - Violet Dress

Morgana Paperdoll - Violet Dress

Another rainy weekend so I decided to make another outfit for Morgana.  This time I chose her violet dress which is actually a cape - I'm going to give her two versions - this one and another with the hood of the cape up so that you can actually see it.  I think this was a favourite during the early seasons of the show (BBC's Merlin) as she wore it quite often - I can see why - it looks comfortable as well as being quite sumptuous.

Morgana Pendragon

Morgana - Violet Dress

As I've done before I'm including the sketch of the dress before it was coloured in:

Morgana- Violet Dress Sketch

The original Morgana paper doll post including her purple, green and blue gowns can  be found here (posted 1 Jan 2012)

Morgana's white dress can also be found here (posted 5 Feb 2012)

Morgana's black lace dress can be found here (posted 7 October 2012)

 Sharon Souter - not to be used for commercial purposes 


  1. Oh, wow, Sharon, I love all of these, but that rich purple is really magnificent.

  2. Gorgeous! That's a great show and I love paper dolls, so this is perfect :D (and I love Morgana's wardrobe!)

  3. I think the big fashion houses might like to have a word with you.

  4. Thank you all for your kind comments.

    Roger - when I was young my dream was to become a costume designer for shows just like this one. Our generation was told not be be ridiculous, stop messing about and get a real job! (Sure you can relate to that!)

  5. Ditto what Roger said! You are such a talented lady!

  6. This is beautiful! Looks like something Enya would wear!


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