
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Morgana Paper Doll - Black Lace / Green Underskirt

Morgana - Black Lace

I love this lacy Gothic style gown - the first I've featured of Morgana as an evil enchantress.  When Morgana was a ward of King Uther she seemed to have an infinite number of shimmering gowns to choose from.  Evil Morgana only appears to have two outfits to decide between - with the addition of a furry coat now that she lives in a snowy wasteland.  Obviously being a wicked sorceress is serious work and not given to the frivolity of dressing up every day.

I also don't think I'm the first person to notice that Morgana and Bellatrix Lestrange seem to share a tailor.  I can just see them at their local Evil Enchantress Emporium:
'Ooh - that dress is so you - you look wicked!'        

Morgana Pendragon

Morgana - Black Lace

Morgana - Black Lace Sketch

 Copyright Sharon Souter - not to be used for commercial purposes

The original Morgana Paper Doll can be found here

The companion Guinevere Paper Doll can be found here

Guinevere Paper Doll Season 5 can be found here


  1. Hi Sharon ... love this set .... I wonder sometimes if Morgana got a bum rap. Anyway, glad to see you noted the copyright ... I just thought of something else I wanted to tell you ... most artists love when their stuff gets pinned ... this way more folks see their art and all pins go back to where they started ... meaning they can find your blog or shop ... you just might get more followers and customers for your wonderful girls!
    Just a thought.

    Happiness Always,

  2. You are so clever - they are lovely! Thank you for becoming a follower of my blog - I gave you a shout-out on my last post, so hope it helps.

    Pomona x

  3. I want this dress, too! Of course- I have nowhere to wear it- but is looks so fun. I agree with you that Bellatrix and Morgana share the same seamstress or tailor. What a beautiful dress!

  4. Gorgeous dress! Love the detail!

  5. Sharon,

    This is such a stunning dress for Morgana! I love the Gothic style.

  6. Such a beautiful dress, have you ever thought about getting your designs made up? I don’t go to many ‘dressy up dos’ any more, but if I did I would love to wear this.

  7. Sharon-- I put details after your comment on my last post about how to add the 'tinkerbell cursor' effect to your blog. ~Diane~

  8. Love the tinkerbell fairy dust! Yes, we adults can still have fun playing!


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