Another month has flown past all to quickly. (Will somebody please put on the brakes!)
Already it is time to say goodbye to Sally at Anything to Do With Me and Tammy at Tammy's in Love. Hope you both enjoyed your month as the recipients of my little sunbeam.
This month I have chosen two blogs that are both beautiful and sometimes mystical (as we approach the time of year when the world of faerie most closely aligns with our own.)
Jan at Art Sings 1946 hosts a blog that combines her own mixed media artwork with a wonderful collection of poems, images, stories (the latest post is a fabulous rendition of 'Sleepy Hollow') and thoughts on life and our world.
Victoria's blog Finding Harmony, Body, Mind, Heart and Spirit contains some of the most beautiful photographs I've seen and I must confess that I am usually a little in awe of the philosophy behind her posts - so much so I never really know what I can leave as a suitable comment!
My little sunbeam is yours to bask in for the next month. Hope you enjoy its little glow.
Thank you both for bringing beauty into this world.
Sharon's Little Sunbeam is my own personal 'no strings attached' award. It is my way of thanking the people who enrich my blogging experience. After the recipient has been introduced a link to their blog remains on my sidebar for a month. There are no conditions attached to the award. The recipient does not need to answer any questions, pass the award on or even acknowledge that they have received it. All they need to do is bask in my little sunbeam and enjoy it!

Congrats to the newest recipients of the Sunbeam Award. I look forward to checking out both of their blogs. So nice to spread sunshine. :)
Your beautiful and thoughtful words have touched my heart so are a very special spirit...thanks for shining your magical sunbeam on me..I am so honored! Yay!
many hugs and lots of blessings!
Wishing you a sparkling wkd!
This is such a nice thing to do. Thanks so much. And, this is my kind of award ... I don't accept others, they just remind me of a chain letter from my school days.
I am so glad you like my little blog and I am so happy to have found you and yours.
Happiness always,
I love your new header Sharon. It's beautiful.
Congratulations to Jan and Victoria, I’m looking forward to exploring your blogs.
congrats to both! :D
congrats to both of these people. Their blogs look interesting. I'll have to hop on over.
Congratulations to both. I'll have some new blogs to find now.
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