Last week I was very verbose and had far too much to say for myself, so this week its back to basics with a paper doll book. The last paper doll book I featured was Candy and Her Cousins back at the beginning of March. I've always thought of Polly and Her Playmates as the original of these sets with their wrap-around frocks. I can still remember the thrill of receiving this book as a child, and how incredibly beautiful and special I thought it was.
I had a tendency of playing with my paper dolls until they literally fell apart and this set was no exception. They seemed to have an unfortunate habit of losing their heads. My mother would painstakingly tape them up for me so that I could play with them again,
I don't think it ever worried me that they had become battered and worn. I loved them all the same and would play with them for hours on end!

Strangely enough the dresses I liked the most in these sets were not the signature wrap-around outfits but the winter coats with their lovely white muffs. Perhaps it was because I lived in a place where where winter coats were not needed and so I saw them as being terribly exotic.
I also remember that I did not play with these dolls as I was supposed to and wrap the dresses around them. Instead I would keep them unfolded and dress the dolls up as though they were wearing outrageously exaggerated crinolines!
Late Blossoms
The cherry blossom has been very late this year in my part of the world. Winter just does not want to give up its grip on the land. This tree is putting on a lovely display now, and in a way its quite nice to be able to enjoy it so much further into the year.
The apple trees have also finally started showing signs of pink and white blossoms. They originally had white blossoms I have never seen before. These new arrivals are still tightly closed - I can't wait for them to open as they are one of my favourite sights when they are in full bloom.
Lovely flowers!!!
I loved paper dolls as a kid!
Nobody who uses the word verbose in the correct context can do anything wrong as far as I'm concerned. I'm not overly keen on dolls but the blossom shots were very good.
CUTE! The wrap around clothes are so sweet! I love those winter coats and muffs too. (I never had a muff either.)
Your blooming trees are so beautiful right now.
Feel free to write wordy posts whenever you feel like it Sharon, they make good reading.
It's funny, I find so many old treasures in my travels but I've never yet found a paper doll book. I'm always looking, hopefully one day I'll be lucky.
When I was growing up I was incredibly jealous of my cousins, her dad (my mother’s brother) owned a pub in the East End of London, drove a big black car and always had loads of cash (or more money than sense as my mum used to say!). His youngest daughter was the most beautiful creature you ever saw she had long blond hair and even longer legs. She also delighted in making me feel inferior! Mum’s brother would turn up once or twice a year (in his shiny black car) to Lord it over us, as mum used to say. The visit that stands out in my mind – and the one your post reminded me of – was one Christmas when my cousin arrived in a military-style coat with a white muff – not dissimilar to your first picture. I think I was about 12 at the time, and can remember crying myself to sleep that night, knowing I would never own a beautiful coat like that. I must have made my mum and dad’s life a misery because on a farm worker's wage it was out of the question. Now who’s being verbose??? Your posts have a habit of bringing back memories. Love the paper dolls and the blossom on your trees.
I popped on your page from Garden of Daisies and fell in love! I'm the new funny faced follower!
Oh Polly is so cute! Those books had quite elaborate outfits in them!
The cherry blossoms are just gorgeous! The frost nipped our apple and lilac buds so there were very few blooms.
How fun! This is a darling paper doll set, and I can see why you would have had so much fun with it.
I love Cherry Blossoms. We have a weeping Cherry Tree and I always look forward to those spring blossoms.
Oh these are great! :D I love old paper dolls!
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