This week Sharon's Little Sunbeam shines on
Darlene Foster's Blog
Darlene is a published writer and her blog features excerpts from her world, heart warming stories, and of course posts on writing and books.
The beauty of Darlene's personality shines through her writing - that to me is always as appealing as the content itself. I always appreciate her friendly comments (and the encouragement last week on my own scribbles was very heartening!)
Once again have decided to link to specific posts and this week I have chosen two. The first features a book called Every Child is Entitled to Innocence - Darlene wrote one of the stories included in it. Profits from the sale of the book go to Childline International. I think it is a wonderful cause. Unfortunately I don't own a kindle and was so sorry as a result that I am not able to buy it.
The other post is A Few of My Favourite Things in which Darlene gives a wonderful insight into her world. Some people have said they would like to copy my sunbeam award idea but I think they feel hesitant about doing so. Just to show you I have no qualms about borrowing ideas myself - I like the idea of 'My Favourite Things' so much that I think I will be doing a version of it soon myself.
Darlene enjoys travelling to interesting and exotic places - her favourite animal is a camel and she drinks rooibos tea (as a S African that impressed me no end.) I don't have any pictures of either so instead I've chosen these two illustrations that conjure up the magical world of The Arabian Nights.
Both come from the same story (Silia the Dancing Girl) and were previously featured in two separate posts
Perfect Princesses and Handsome Heroes
Sharon's Little Sunbeam is my own personal 'no strings attached' award. It is my way of thanking some of the wonderful people who enrich my blogging experience. The recipient is introduced in a post like this one and a link to their blog remains on my sidebar for a week. There are no conditions attached to the award. The recipient does not need to answer any questions, pass the award on or even acknowledge that they have received it. All they need to do is bask in my little sunbeam and enjoy it!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I am so honoured to receive the sunbeam award and blushing at the wonderful things you said about me. I love the pictures you included with the post. So glad we met my blogging friend. XO
How fun she is and very creative. I love discovering these bloggers through your eyes.
I love visiting Darlene’s blog and enjoyed reading those two posts again. I was going to borrow your idea but changed my mind because I don’t think I could live up to the wonderful job you're doing, and I can’t think what to call it! Sharon’s Little Sunbeam is just such a brilliant name. I look forward to reading about ‘a few of your favourite things’.
I'm heading over to visit now. :-)
Hello Sharon, are you on Twitter? I just went to send you a Tweet and was unable to find you. Your post has made it into an online mag called the hush. I hope this link works
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